Harmony Hose & Engine Co. No. 2
Captain: Brian Carey
Lieutenant: Steve Striziver
Company Office Positions
President: Tom McGreevy
Vice President: Frank Paulozzo
Secretary: Bill Hausmann
Treasurer: Daniel Carey
Chief Driver: Dan Carey
Asst. Chief Driver: Paul Farrell
Relief Rep: John Crans
Relief Rep: Frank Paulozzo
Relief Visitor: Dan Carey
BFD Rep: Ed Bohon
BFD Rep: Brian Carey
Company History
In 1894, the Harmony Company bought a lot on the corner of Oak Street and Highland Avenue for the enormous sum of $70.00 for their own firehouse. The firehouse itself was built at a total cost of $560.00.
On September 13 of that year, Harmony Hose & Engine Company # 2 was assigned the engine built by Simeon Van Duyne, of Boonton. The engine was built in 1893 and the Boonton Fire Department paid $200.00 for it. Before the firehouse was completed, the engine and 300 feet of hose was housed in Theodore Ringlieb's barn on West Main Street. When they moved into their new firehouse, they realized that more equipment would have to be purchased. Harmony Company purchased a hose reel for $90.00 and a chief's leather helmet (purchased in Seneca Falls, NY) with a blue cord and tassel for only $5.25 without any tax!
On February 12, 1902, at 4:25 a.m., Maxfield Company received an alarm that Harmony Engine Company's firehouse was on fire. By the time Maxfield responded, the fire and made great headway and it was impossible to save the building, furniture or fixtures. Insurance covered $200.00 for the loss. Temporary quarters were secured in Norris' barn on Cedar Street and the South Boonton Volunteer Fire Company loaned Harmony their hand engine.
The first Chief of the Harmony Company was John E. Dunn, who served from 1901 to 1905.
Many fundraisers were held to help Harmony's finances, but the most memorable was the sponsoring of Finnegan's Fortune at the Old Opera House located on the second floor of what is now Boonton Hardware.
Every August, a Fireman's Day was held at the ball ground (site of Riverside Hospital) and forty-five of Harmony's finest attended. Races, tugs of War, ball games, and have course, ice cream, soda and beer were part of the day's events. The following day, the ladies Auxiliary held a bake sale at the Arlington Club rooms to make some extra money from the leftover cakes.
The turn of the century saw the beginning of their major fundraiser - The CARNIVAL -, which, to this day attracts hundreds of people.
Since fire alarms were not yet the thing, the First Presbyterian Church allowed the Fire Department to use their church bells as an alarm between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
In 1904, Harmony Firehouse was built on Brook Street (now Boonton Avenue). It was quite a grand structure and stood proudly until 1967, when, on February 4, it was torn down to make room for a larger building we know today.
Harmony's first motorized fire truck was purchased in 1916.
An interesting piece of information was found concerning the children who lived near the Boonton Avenue Firehouse. Many evenings, they would play on the lighted apron of the firehouse and chant:
"Harmony # 2, didn't know what to do -
They rang the bell and ran like hell -
Harmony # 2."
Today, the proud and historical building still serves Boonton's needs. It not only houses the Harmony Company, but Maxfield Hose & Engine Company and the Maxfield Hook & Ladder Company as well. The Harmony Senior Drum Corps holds their practices at the Firehouse and Morris County Board of Elections uses it every election day.Harmony will shine forever!